Pregnancy Pilates
Thursdays 7pm-8pm and 8pm-9pm
Pilates is one of the best forms of exercise to do during pregnancy because it strengthens the most important muscles women will use during pregnancy and labour, including the abdominal and pelvic muscles.
As the baby grows, the mother’s centre of gravity shifts and the lower back experiences additional sway to compensate for this. An increase in the size of breasts may cause rounding of the shoulders, putting strain on the neck, shoulders and upper back. Pilates can help reduce tension in these areas and create better postural awareness and mobility.
Benefits of Pre-Natal Pilates-
Every woman has a different and unique experience of pregnancy, so any prenatal Pilates program should be designed to suit the individual.
As well as being fully trained and certified by the USA Center for Women’s Fitness in Pre/Post Natal Pilates, Nicole is a mother of two and can personally vouch for the effectiveness of Pilates during pregnancy and post partum.
Thursdays 7pm-8pm and 8pm-9pm
Pilates is one of the best forms of exercise to do during pregnancy because it strengthens the most important muscles women will use during pregnancy and labour, including the abdominal and pelvic muscles.
As the baby grows, the mother’s centre of gravity shifts and the lower back experiences additional sway to compensate for this. An increase in the size of breasts may cause rounding of the shoulders, putting strain on the neck, shoulders and upper back. Pilates can help reduce tension in these areas and create better postural awareness and mobility.
Benefits of Pre-Natal Pilates-
- Improved control and strength of pelvic floor region
- Increased body awareness with better posture
- Supports joints and ligaments that may be compromised with increasing strain from developing baby
- Develops flexibility and muscular endurance as the body tries to adjust itself when normal movement patterns are altered
- Relieves common problems associated with pregnancy such as backache, thoracic pain, sciatica, ligament pain, and pubic symphysis pain
- Helps with breathing techniques that can be employed effectively during labour
- Makes it easier for pelvic floor to release in those crucial latter stages of giving birth
- Speeds up recovery after birth
Every woman has a different and unique experience of pregnancy, so any prenatal Pilates program should be designed to suit the individual.
As well as being fully trained and certified by the USA Center for Women’s Fitness in Pre/Post Natal Pilates, Nicole is a mother of two and can personally vouch for the effectiveness of Pilates during pregnancy and post partum.
Post Natal Pilates
Thursdays 10.30am - *next course starting soon
Pilates quickens postpartum recovery and strengthens the body and mind for the new demands of motherhood. Pilates can help you regain your body shape, tone up, and re-strengthen muscles that have been weakened during pregnancy. Whether you have had a vaginal or Caesarean delivery, a safe Pilates workout is developed to target particular muscle groups.
It is recommended that you wait a minimum of six weeks after delivery to start exercising again. However, if you have had a caesarean section, then it is highly recommended that you wait eight to twelve weeks before starting postnatal Pilates. All new mums, without exception, should obtain permission from their medical practitioner to exercise and inform the teacher prior to the first session.
Mum and Baby Classes -
Nicole also offers classes for mums to attend with their babies. The classes are designed to help you to regain your fitness after giving birth and enable you to exercise with your baby. The classes are an ideal place to meet other mums and get back into shape without having to organise a babysitter.
If you have a group of friends or NCT group and would like a private class, this can be arranged at a time to suit you.
Thursdays 10.30am - *next course starting soon
Pilates quickens postpartum recovery and strengthens the body and mind for the new demands of motherhood. Pilates can help you regain your body shape, tone up, and re-strengthen muscles that have been weakened during pregnancy. Whether you have had a vaginal or Caesarean delivery, a safe Pilates workout is developed to target particular muscle groups.
- Strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, weakened by pregnancy, helping you overcome incontinence.
- Re-educate correct postures following the natural changes in your body through pregnancy.
- Retrain your abdominal muscles to help support your spine and pelvis and recover your pre-baby shape.
- Stretch spinal and upper limb muscles to relieve tension
- Strengthen your upper body teaching you how to lift and hold your growing baby toavoid back problems
- General exercise increases the production of endorphins which make you feel good increasing energy and reducing fatigue.
- While you exercise your baby can sit with you in a buggy or on a mat by your side.
It is recommended that you wait a minimum of six weeks after delivery to start exercising again. However, if you have had a caesarean section, then it is highly recommended that you wait eight to twelve weeks before starting postnatal Pilates. All new mums, without exception, should obtain permission from their medical practitioner to exercise and inform the teacher prior to the first session.
Mum and Baby Classes -
Nicole also offers classes for mums to attend with their babies. The classes are designed to help you to regain your fitness after giving birth and enable you to exercise with your baby. The classes are an ideal place to meet other mums and get back into shape without having to organise a babysitter.
If you have a group of friends or NCT group and would like a private class, this can be arranged at a time to suit you.